Spotlight: Redemption Women

Redemption Women is just a couple of months up and running, and it has already been a lot of fun. Just this week we hosted a Christmas Tea that was an excellent time of fun and fellowship. While there will be many future events and activities, lets take a moment to highlight the goals behind Redemption Women.

As a ministry of Redemption Church, our ultimate hope for Redemption Women is that it will be an avenue for leading women to Jesus who lead others to Jesus. Missional Communities, DNA’s, serving, and worshiping together are mutually beneficial and important for our whole community. With that in mind, we also feel that there is value in creating space for women to minister to and with each other as we continue to participate in the body of Christ. That is the space Redemption Women hopes to fill. 

Four Values of Redemption Women:

  1. Inclusiveness – Everyone wants to feel included, welcomed, and like they belong somewhere. Therefore, we want to create an atmosphere of acceptance and inclusiveness; a place where everyone is important and known. We endeavor to accomplish this by looking at each woman who attends Redemption Women as Jesus does; Seeing them as special, unique, and worthy.
  2. Fellowship – Our fellowship helps shape us, and that makes it a significant part of our lives as Christians. So we want to help facilitate friendships that invite and incite joint participation in each other’s lives as we grow and learn together.  God uses Christian fellowship to make us more like Him.
  3. Teaching – We want to be intentional about bringing the gospel to bear in the lives of women. To that end, we will have speakers and teachers share periodically who can help shine a light on how Jesus impacts women and uses women to spread His fame.
  4. Outreach – There are two ways in which Redemption Women hopes to reach out to the community. First of all, we hope to create an environment where women feel comfortable inviting their friends, neighbors, and family members. Secondly, we desire to touch the lives of women downtown and in our area through mission projects and opportunities.

Want to get involved, learn more, or know what’s coming up? Contact for more information.