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Home Worship Guide for Sunday April 5, 2020

We have put together this Home Worship Guide to lead us into gathered worship as a church while we remain scattered physically. Wherever you are, whoever you are with, join with us in worshipping God together.

Call to Worship:

Today is Palm Sunday. As Jesus entered Jerusalem his followers laid their cloaks and palm branches along the road to prepare the way, and they shouted praises from the Psalms.

As we come to worship Jesus this morning let’s join with their praises by reading Psalm 118:25-29 aloud and together:

Save us, we pray, O LORD!
O LORD, we pray, give us success!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the LORD!
We bless you from the house of the LORD.
The LORD is God,
and he has made his light to shine upon us.
Bind the festal sacrifice with cords,
up to the horns of the altar!
You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God; I will extol you.
Oh give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
for his steadfast love endures forever!

Pray a prayer of surrender, humbly offering yourself to God. Ask Him to use the next few minutes of worship for His glory and your own joy.

Let’s worship Our God in song together!

Kids Songs:

Parents, each week we will include a song or two for the whole family. Take this opportunity to sing and dance with your kids, and worship God together as a family. 

King of Me by Rendco Kids:
Peace Like a River by CJ and Friends

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Devotional Reading:

The Humility of Jesus – 

For Families with Kids:

  • Read Philippians 2:1-11 together out loud.
  • Read it a second time and discuss the four questions (below) and make notes on the page. This is a great spot for kids to actively engage with Scripture.


  • Make it fun! As you have fun together as a family your connection will increase and what you discover in Scripture together will stick.
  • You can print the scripture out, use their Bible’s, or take a screenshot and mark over the image on your phone.
  • Use these symbols for making notes:

[mk_icon_box icon="mk-icon-circle-o-notch" title="Circle" text_size="24" font_weight="600" style="simple_ultimate" icon_size="medium" icon_location="top" icon_color="#f47538"]

Who is God?


[mk_icon_box icon="mk-icon-star-o" title="Star" text_size="24" font_weight="600" style="simple_ultimate" icon_size="medium" icon_location="top" icon_color="#f47538"]

What has God done?


[mk_icon_box icon="mk-icon-square-o" title="Box" text_size="24" font_weight="600" style="simple_ultimate" icon_size="medium" icon_location="top" icon_color="#f47538"]

Who are we?


[mk_icon_box icon="mk-moon-underline-2" title="Underline" text_size="24" font_weight="600" style="simple_ultimate" icon_size="medium" icon_location="top" icon_color="#f47538"]

How should we live?


  • Select a verse to serve as a memory verse for the week!
    • Write it down, make it colorful, make a craft out of it. Then memorize it together this week. 
    • Share your ideas and creations with us on Instagram and we will post them for so that others can see them and be encouraged!
  • If you haven’t already, be sure to check out New City Catechism. It’s a great resource for the whole family, young and old, that you can use all week long. There are even songs available (be sure to turn on children's mode for the songs)

Pray Together:

  • Adore. Spend a few moments lifting adoration to God in prayer. Praise Him for who He is and what He does.
  • Confess. Acknowledge your sin and confess it.
  • Thanksgiving. Thank Jesus for His salvation from your sin.
  • Supplication. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you live from your identity in Christ.

Join with each other in continuing to lift these request to God:

  • Wisdom for leaders all over the world
  • Safety and endurance for medical professionals
  • Healing and mercy for the sick
  • Peace for the fearful 
  • Salvation for many


Let us know how God has impacted you the most through today’s worship.

  • One great aspect of worshiping together on Sundays is the connections we make with others in the family of God.
  • To encourage connection, we want you to share with one another via social media, phone call, group text or some other method. The goal is just to connect with one another in some way.


  • Easter – Be sure to invite your friends and family to join us next Sunday as we celebrate our risen Lord! Our Home Worship Guide will include an Easter sermon, special music, and much more.
  • Good Friday – The C&MA will also be hosting four Good Friday livestream services on April 10th! We encourage you to join with our Alliance family for one of these special services. Check out this link to their Facebook event for more info:
  • Thursday, April 9th  – President of the C&MA, John Stumbo, will be hosting four digital prayer gatherings. Check out this link to the Facebook event for more info and to sign up:
  • Instagram Live TonightTune in to our Instagram account at 7pm for a special live interview with our friend John Fooshee from Gospel Enneagram. John was Ben’s sabbatical coach and has worked with the elders and their wives using the enneagram. Watch live to hear from him and ask questions.
  • Devotions – We will post a new devotional reading each day throughout this week that will help us take a closer look at the humility of Jesus. You’ll be able to find them on social media and on the blog portion of our website.
  • Giving – We encourage your faithful and cheerful giving to continue as an act of worship and in support of the ministry of Redemption Church. The invitation is not to an obligation but to “taste and see that the Lord is good,” that He is exceedingly rich in riches beyond matters of money, and that He can be trusted even in our present circumstances. You can find ways to continue to give on our website.
  • Prayer – We want to pray for you and to pray together. If you have any needs or prayer requests please submit them through our prayer requests form featured on the sign up page so that we can pray for each of you as needed.
  • Worship Playlist – We've created a playlist of songs suggested by our worship team. We hope that listening to them will be a source of encouragement throughout your week.  Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple Music

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