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Home Worship Guide for Sunday November 1, 2020

Home Worship Guide for Sunday November 1, 2020

Scripture repeatedly reveals that God is not merely satisfied with our worship rituals, He desires that we worship Him by learning to do good and seeking justice.

Our goal is to use this season to intentionally answer this call together as a church. We want to be a people who make the real Jesus known by loving and serving the people of downtown Augusta and beyond.

Towards that end we have created a compliment to this Home Worship Guide called Sundays on the Porch. If you are able, and it is safe for you to do so, join us on Sundays at 11am as we take communion, fellowship, and serve together in downtown Augusta with the intention of getting to know and serve our neighbors well as we seek to worship God more fully.

Call to Worship:

Read Isaiah 9:6-7 aloud and together:

For to us a child is born,
to us a son is given;
and the government shall be upon his shoulder,
and his name shall be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end,
on the throne of David and over his kingdom,
to establish it and to uphold it
with justice and with righteousness
from this time forth and forevermore.
The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this.

Pray a prayer of surrender, humbly offering yourself to God. Ask Him to use the next few minutes of worship for His glory and your own joy.

Let’s worship our God in song together!

Scripture reading/questions:

  • Read Malachi 1:1-14
  • Ask these simple questions after reading:
    • What does this passage reveal about who God is and what He does?
    • How does it speak to who you are and how you should live?

Time of Prayer:

Please continue to pray over these things with us throughout the week:

  • Doors would be opened for people to hear the gospel in downtown Augusta
  • We would be a unified body of believers representative of the diversities of our community
  • Church planters and missionaries with The Alliance around the globe would see doors open for the gospel
    • Specifically keep Paul & Lyndsay Murphy in prayer as they serve in North Africa, and keep Sojourn Church in Uganda in prayer also.
  • God would continue to provide for Redemption Church with people and finances to see the gospel advance from our community
  • Justice for the oppressed, and for the reconciling work of Jesus to work mightily
  • Wisdom for leaders all over the world
    Safety and endurance for medical professionals, teachers, and many others who bear a heavy burden in this season
  • Healing and mercy for the sick
  • Peace for the fearful
  • Salvation for many

For Families with Kids

Kids Songs

Family Discussion Questions

  1. Why did Jesus send His disciples to get a donkey for Him to ride? (to fulfill prophecy, Matt. 21:4-5)
  2. What word did the people and the children say in praise of Jesus? (Hosanna, Matt. 21:9,15)
  3. Where did Jesus go to spend the night? (Bethany, Matt. 21:17)
  4. Why do you think they people welcomed Jesus with such excitement? Remind the kids that the people in Jesus’ day were looking for an earthly king to conquer their enemies and give them back control of their land. They believed Jesus was the promised King but misunderstood what kind of king He’d be.
  5. When do you feel most excited to worship Jesus? Guide kids to think through the various ways we worship God, like singing praise, obeying our leaders, and doing our best work in school or sports. Remind them that anything done for God’s glory is worship.

Activity: “Palm” branches

Provide each kid with green construction paper and a paint stirrer or stick of some kind. Instruct kids to trace their hand onto their papers as many times as they can fit it. Help the kids cut out their handprints. Kids will need between six and eight handprint cutouts. Show them how to tape the handprints to the paint stirrer in an overlapping manner, with fingers pointed away from the stirrer. When they are finished, it will look like a palm branch.


• People welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their King. The people laid down their robes and palm branches to cover the ground in front of Jesus. They sang  songs and worshiped Him. But Jesus was not the earthly king they expected. Jesus had come to set up God’s heavenly kingdom. We can join God’s heavenly kingdom by trusting in Jesus. When we have faith that He lived a perfect life for us and died the death we deserve, God forgives our sins and gives us eternal life. When we understand who Jesus is and what He has done for us, we will want to worship Him as King, too!

Story Point: People welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem as their King.
Key Passage: Philippians 2:8
Big Picture Question: What did Jesus do to save us? Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead.


What good news encouraged you this morning?

  • Let us know how God has impacted you the most through today’s worship via social media.
  • Remember to tag Redemption Church in your post.


  • Sundays on the Porch – As a compliment to the Home Worship Guide, we are hosting Sundays on the Porch at 11AM in front of our building at 930 Broad St. This will be a time of communion, fellowship, and service. Please plan to continue to use the Home Worship Guides on Sundays for sermons, singing, corporate prayer, and Redemption Kids resources.
  • Listen, Recognize, Pray, Act – Here is a list of suggested resources to help you explore the racial injustices in our country and consider how God is leading you to act. We will be updating the list with a few more resources soon.
  • Salvation and Baptism – If you’d like to talk further about your decision to follow Jesus or baptism, we’d love to hear from you. Fill out this form on our baptism page, and let us know in the message portion how we can assist you.
  • Connect – If you’d like more information on how to connect with Redemption Church, please contact Ben Riche or Brent Skelley. You can also connect with Redemption Church via social media on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Giving – We encourage your faithful and cheerful giving to continue as an act of worship and in support of the ministry of Redemption Church. The invitation is not to an obligation but to “taste and see that the Lord is good,” that He is exceedingly rich in riches beyond matters of money, and that He can be trusted even in our present circumstances. You can find ways to continue to give on our website.
  • Playlist – We created a playlist of songs suggested by our worship team. We hope that listening to them will be a source of encouragement throughout your week. Listen on SpotifyListen on Apple Music