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Advent Bible Reading Plan – Week 1

Our aim for this Fall has been to take part together in the most important component of our apprenticeship to Jesus – being with Him. Each of the practices we have taken part in this season has been about setting aside time and space to do just that – be with Jesus.

  • silence & solitude: slowing down and calling our attention the reality of God’s nearness to us and with us
  • abiding: making space & time to actually call our hearts & minds to learn or relearn how to remain in that reality
  • emotional awareness: growing in awareness of our own hearts and emotional state and then being honest about it before God and one another
  • casting cares: taking Jesus up on his invitation to bring him our burdens in exchange for his peace
  • Bible reading for transformation: learning how to spend time with Jesus as we read the Bible so that the gospel transfers from our head to our heart and hands (both individually and collectively). 

In the Spring we will move to a new set of practices that will focus on another component of our discipleship – being like Jesus. 

However, we do not mean to abandon what we have learned together this Fall. It is as Jesus said in John 15:5, “Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.” This is why we want to help you continue to practice being with Jesus; everything flows from there. 

Therefore, we have created a daily Bible reading exercise that will be made available weekly throughout this season of Advent. Download this week’s readings below.

Advent begins this Sunday! Plan to join us (and bring a friend!) as we spend the next few weeks focusing on the hope, peace, joy, and love of God that has been given to us in Jesus Christ. 

We’re looking forward to how the Holy Spirit will continue shaping us as the body of Christ this season!