
“They are to do good, to be rich in good works,
to be generous and ready to share”

2 Timothy 6:18

Thank you for your generosity. Your financial gift helps the ministry of Redemption continue
as we strive to make the real Jesus known together.


We use as our online
and mobile platform for giving.

You can give one time, give to a specific ministry, or set up automated giving where you can automatically give on a specific day each week or on a specific date each month.

Note: charges Redemption Church a fee of 2.4% + .30 per transaction but gives you, as the donor, the option of covering those fees as a part of your gift. can be used on your computer, smartphone, or tablet’s web browser,
or through their iOS or Android app.


Automatic Bill Pay is a great way to give regularly and consistently to Redemption Church. In addition, it saves Redemption transaction and credit card processing fees! That means 100% of your donation goes to fund the ministry of Redemption.

Log-in to your online banking or contact your bank directly for instructions.


Checks can be mailed to:
Redemption Church,
P.O. Box 266,
Augusta, GA 30903

Check or cash can be dropped in an offering basket during one of our Sunday services. If you would like to provide us with your contact information for tax purposes, envelopes are available in the giving baskets.