Revelation: Series Details & Resources
Revelation likely informs and motivates more of our faith than we realize. It is in Revelation that we see Christ coming again, His final victory over Satan, and perhaps our clearest picture of eternity. How we think about those things impacts how we interact with just about everything in the…
20th Anniversary Celebration
Redemption Church was planted in 2005. It’s hard to believe we’re turning 20 years old! One thing we know for sure is that God has been faithful and good to us through the years. As Psalm 126:3 says, “The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled…
Arrows Scripture Memorization Spring 2024
Mark 16: 2-4 Week 1 (Feb 4th): Mark 16:2 Week 2 (Feb 11th): Mark 16:2 Week 3 (Feb 18th): Mark 16:3 Week 4 (Feb 25th): Mark 16:3 Week 5 (March 3rd): Mark 16:4 Week 6 (March 10th): Mark 16:4 Week 7 (March 17th): Mark 16:2-4 Week 8 (March 24th): Mark…
Sermon Notes: John 3:22-36
Sermon notes 👇 It is entirely feasible that we may concede that God is the source of all things…and at the same time believe that we are the focus of all things. Not to John? though. To John the Baptist, Jesus is both the source and center of all things.…
Sermon Notes: John 3:1-21
Sermon notes 👇 Jesus reminds Nicodemus of an old story from Israel’s history. Back when Moses was leading God’s people through the wilderness, there was a scene where serpents were biting and killing the people, and it was happening because of their own sin. But God told Moses to make…
Sermon Notes: John 2:13-25
Sermon notes👇 …what they came to understand was that Jesus had said and demonstrated Himself to be the new Temple. He was replacing it. He was taking place of the sacrifices. He was replacing the need to build something bigger and better. He was replacing the stone, and the wood,…
Sermon Notes: John 2:1-12
Sermon notes 👇 This story isn’t just about Jesus turning water into wine. This story is about Jesus showing up and saving the best for last. This story is about God breaking in to do new things and providing far more abundantly than anyone could imagine. This story is about…
Sermon Notes: John 1:19-51
Sermon notes👇 Maybe you aren’t okay with not being sure you have all of who Jesus is figured out. Maybe it scares you to be unsure of whether you have all the answers to all the questions that may come your way…questions from you or from others. Parents - maybe…
Sermon Notes: John 1:1-18
Sermon notes👇 If Jesus was anything less than who John introduces us to in John 1:1-18, then how could we ever believe He has anything for us? But…The Eternal name of Jesus, here in John 1, is “The Word” His name is teaming with life. It is by and from…
Introduction to the New Sermon Series: Jesus is Better > The Book of Hebrews
This morning we began a new sermon series we’ve titled Jesus is Better - The Book of Hebrews. You can catch the replay here. Sermon notes: We’re naming this series “Jesus is better,” because He is… God is not who the serpent would have us believe. He is not hiding…