BIBLE & DISCUSSION (Genesis 12:1-3)
1. Take a few minutes to make a list of some of the blessings (traditions, scripts, relational patterns, habits, rhythms, values, etc…) from your family of origin you want to celebrate and continue?
2. If you are comfortable, share 2-3.
3. God’s promise was to bless every nation on earth through Abraham’s family. Why do we think families play such a key role in God’s plan for the world? What does this say about how we do family in the church? And in this community?
After several weeks of working through our genograms, family patterns, and scripts we’re going to transition from the past to the present and future. We’ve talked a lot about family and will continue to do so but it is important to note that family in this context does not only mean the biological family you were born into, nor does it simply mean children. At Redemption we’re striving to invite everyone into the family of God which means we are all a part of each other’s family. We can use the space tonight to think about our families of origin, our biological family and children, our spouses, and the family of God.
This week we’ll be looking at various aspects of our life and family while prayerfully determining what things we want to continue, stop, and start. While we will be spending some time addressing the places in our stories we want to stop, the end goal is to find the stories that we want to start and continue. This is an opportunity to speak life into our own families and the families of others.

1. If you had to summarize your family’s “blessing” in one sentence, what would you say?
2. What is the main blessing you hope to pass on to your own kids? OR How can you pass on your blessing to the next generation? Is it through a niece or nephew, a child in your community, a student you mentor, a kid from church, or some other way?
- Additional resources (sample genogram, digital guide and workbook, relevant reading, list of local counselors, and coping skills), can be found HERE.
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