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Practice 3: 10/2-10/8

Trinitarian Fellowship

1. What did this week’s practice look like for you?

2. What about this week’s practice was valuable or difficult for you?


Dallas Willard said, “You are invited to practice intimate fellowship with the Trinity.”

1. What do you think of this statement?

2. What are some places that you are keeping your distance from Jesus?

3. How might you practice a life with God?


Each practice week, we will be providing a practice prompt for everyone to do on their own throughout the week. We want to invite and encourage each of us to make space to read, reflect, and use each passage as a journaling/written prayer prompt before our next practice week. You could choose to go through these passages individually or in one sitting a couple times.

1. John 17:3: The only place Jesus defines eternal life

2. John 17: 20-26: A prayer of Jesus for life together

3. Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord’s Prayer

Practice 2: 9/18-9/24

What Hearing God is Not

1. What did this week’s practice look like for you?

2. What about this week’s practice was valuable or difficult for you?


Dallas Willard said, “the desire for control is a primary reason we fail to hear God”.

1. What do you think he meant by this?

2. What are some places in your life that you might desire control over hearing God?

3. How might reading your Bible as part of an ongoing friendship with God differ from reading as a superstitious practice in trying to hear from God?

Read: Acts 17:26-28

1. What might change in your relationship with God if you truly believed that He was not far off?


Each practice week, we will be providing a practice prompt for everyone to do on their own throughout the week. We want to invite and encourage each of us to make space to read, reflect, and use each passage as a journaling/written prayer prompt before our next practice week. You could choose to go through these passages individually or in one sitting a couple times.

1. 1 Samuel 3:6-10: Willingness to hear and obey God’s voice

2. 1 Kings 19:11-13: The still, small voice and its rivals

3. Matthew 25:14-30: The parable of the talents

4. Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord’s Prayer

Practice 1: 9/11-9/17

NOTE: Redemption Church has created a Right Now Media account. Right Now Media is a digital library of video Bible studies, book discussions, conference messages, kids shows, etc.  Since Redemption has set up a church account, everyone in our church can set up a personal account for free also.

Click below to receive an invitation
to join if you haven’t already.

Over the course of this Spring, we are going to be working through a six-week video series led by Dallas Willard titled, Hearing God. The main overall objective of the series is for each of us to grow in our understanding of what it means to relate to God as we make space to be with him

You Were Created For Friendship With God


Dallas Willard said, “God has made you for his presence and seeks fellowship with you”.

1. What do you think he meant by this?

2. Do you think this quote is realistic or idealistic?

3. Assuming this is true, what does this mean for your own personal life?

Read Psalm 32:6-11

1. In this conversational dialogue between David and God, what do you think is going on in verse 8?

2. From these passages, what does it seem God truly desires from his people?


Each practice week, we will be providing a practice prompt for everyone to do on their own throughout the week. We want to invite and encourage each of us to make space to read, reflect, and use each passage as a journaling/written prayer prompt before our next practice week. You could choose to go through these passages individually or in one sitting a couple times.

1. Mark 1:21-39: Jesus’ use of solitude in the midst of a flurry of activity

2. Exodus 24:14-15: The glory of meditation

3. Genesis 3:8: God walking with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden

4. Deuteronomy 6:1-9: The importance of intentionality

5. Matthew 6:9-13: The Lord’s Prayer