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Ordinary Hospitality – Week of 5/1-5/7


In the South, many of us, including those inside the Church, have been so desensitized to the Gospel that we sometimes forget what it looks like in action. People won’t shy away from you if you pray at a meal, say amen, or even say Jesus’ name, but beyond that the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, the message that Christ came to radically change and transform our lives makes people more and more uncomfortable. People are more likely to say no to coffee, turn the other way, or try to avoid long chats if they think you are coming to preach to them. People skirting the Gospel is nothing new, we know that Jesus himself faced anger and antagonism in his culture. But how did he overcome that?

One meal at a time. In story after story, we read of Jesus eating and drinking with the lost. In doing so, he set a timeless practice into motion.

This practice is what the New Testament writers go on to call “hospitality.” And while the practice of hospitality is directed at those inside and outside the church, the Greek word literally means “the love of a guest.” Hospitality is expressing the welcome of God the Father to all through tangible acts of love, ideally through giving food, shelter, and relationship.

Our Practice over the next several weeks is incredibly simple: follow Jesus’ example of eating and drinking with somebody who has yet to experience the Father’s welcome. And the beauty of this Practice is that anybody can do it. All it takes is a table.


1. Did you listen to the sermon? What were your thoughts?

2. Use the questions from the sermon for discussion. These questions will be posted on Instagram under this week’s Sermon Notes.  You can also find this weeks sermon notes and questions here.


1. What are some thoughts or creative ideas about this coming week’s Practice?

2. Have you ever been uncomfortable when invited into someone else’s space? What are some hosting pitfalls to avoid?

3. What are some experiences where you felt truly welcome in someone else’s home? Talk as a group about what it looks like to host well?

4. Discuss some ways you can demonstrate Jesus’ love and care for your guests?

5. Is there anybody in your life who immediately comes to mind that you want to share a meal with?


Exercise #1: Pray, Consider, Invite.

● If you can, get somewhere quiet for this one.

● Prayer Take a few minutes to invite the Holy Spirit lead and guide your give shape to your imagination.

● Consider who in your life you could make space for around your table.

● Invite: Don’t stop here – make some plans and get it on the calendar!

Exercise #2:  Share a Meal with Somebody Outside of the Church
(over the course of the next two weeks).

● Before the meal: Life is busy but don’t miss this. Make space for you/your family to pray for your guests before they arrive – that God would use this time and your relationship as a stepping stone in their relationship with Him.

● Eat and drink with somebody!

● Ideally, open your home or apartment. If that doesn’t work, invite them to a third space (a restaurant, café, etc.)

● This could be a great time to learn how to cook a few good meals. A quick search of the internet will yield loads of easy-to-prepare, super delicious meals.

● You don’t have to force anything, but consider your discussion with you MC and the ways to host well and demonstrate the hospitality of Jesus.

● Make some plans to hang out again.




Dealing with our Past – Week of 4/24-4/30


  1. Last practice we spent time working through the places in our lives where we want to continue, stop, and start. Is there a value, practice, tradition that you found you wanted to continue?
  2. Is there something that you found you wanted to stop? 
  3. Is there something you want to start? 
  4. How can we, as a community, come alongside one another in these?


This week we want to spend some time celebrating the hard work we’ve all done the past few months. We’re going to take some time asking questions, processing, and speaking life to one another. 

  1. What was something you learned about yourself in walking through all of the exercises during our time together? 
  2. Over the last few months were there any conversations that you need to have? Is there anything that you want to share that you hadn’t felt comfortable sharing before? 
  3. What remains unsettled? What do you still want to work on or places you want to see sustained growth? 
  4. What is something that is worth celebrating from our time together? This can be something you’ve seen in yourself, your family, others in the group. Spend some time encouraging one another.


  • Additional resources (sample genogram, digital guide and workbook, relevant reading, list of local counselors, and coping skills), can be found HERE.

Content adapted from



Summer 2022 MC Overview

How do we actually do what Jesus does? As apprentices of Jesus, we are called to not only follow Jesus in spirit but we are called to continue his work on earth as it is in heaven. This includes things like opening up our homes and our lives to those who don’t know the real Jesus, praying for the lost, peacemaking, doing justice, preaching the gospel, teaching the ways of Jesus, standing up against religious and political corruption, and peacemaking. This summer we are allocating very intentional time as a church and in missional communities to explore and take next steps in forming our lives around the practices of Jesus; specifically regarding how we eat and drink and with whom.

The history of the church is around the table. For hundreds of years, this is where the people of Jesus met. And it’s from around tables that the gospel spread – from one table to the next. From one home to another. All over a meal.

The table is a very ordinary place and can become so routine that it gets easily overlooked as a place of life-changing community. By setting a table and sharing a meal, we provide the context for which people feel loved, where people feel heard; a place where God’s spirit can move. The practice of eating and drinking is central to the Kingdom of God; Jesus ate with the lost, Jesus ate with community, Jesus ate with God.



Summer 2022 Missional Community Calendar

Emphasis: Doing the Things Christ Does: Church Around the Table

Week of:page1image2052603872

5/1-5/7: Sermon Discussion/ Practice 1: Radically Ordinary Hospitality

5/7: Serving: Augusta Handmade Fair

5/8-5/14: No MC: Global Missions Emphasis & Mother’s Day

5/15: Practice 2: Neighboring Workshop (Sunday Morning 10:45am)

5/15-5/21: Debrief Practice 1 & Workshop

5/22-5/38: Rec+/Off

5/29-6/4: Rec+/Off: Memorial Day Weekend

6/5-6/11: Practice 3: Food as Justice

6/12-7/2: MC’s will not meet for the remainder of June

6/17: Practice 4.1 – Dinner for 10

6/24: Practice 4.2 – Dinner for 10

7/1: Practice 4.3 – Dinner for 10

7/3-7/9: No MC: July 4th Week

7/10-7/16: Practice 5: Debrief Dinner for 10

7/17-7/23: Sermon Discussion

7/24-7/30: Sermon Discussion

7/31-8/6: No MC Gathering, Practice 6: Church Lake Day on 8/6

8/7-8/13: Practice 7: Communion & Dining Room Table Christianity

8/14: Baby Dedications

8/14-8/20: Practice 7 – Part 2

8/21: Family Gathering 4pm

8/21-8/27: MC Optional Off

8/28-9/3: Rec+

Practices: (1) Radically Ordinary Hospitality; (2): Neighboring; (3): Food as Justice; (4-5): Eating & Drinking Together; (6): Celebration; (7): Communion & Dining Room Table Christianity

Communal Bible Reading // April 11-15

Our Communal Bible Reading Plan provides 5 days of readings to help guide you into some intentional time with Jesus throughout the week. .

May this communal practice be a blessing to us all!

Join us by downloading this week’s Communal Bible Readings below.



Communal Bible Reading // April 4-8

Our Communal Bible Reading Plan provides 5 days of readings to help guide you into some intentional time with Jesus throughout the week. .

May this communal practice be a blessing to us all!

Join us by downloading this week’s Communal Bible Readings below.