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Hospitality + Neighboring Workshop Debrief – Week of 5/15-21


This week we are continuing the conversation from a few weeks back on hospitality and talking about take-aways from Sunday’s workshop on neighboring.

1. Have you had the chance to eat and drink with somebody who doesn’t follow Jesus since we met a few weeks back?

2. If so, how did it go? If not, is there someone you’ve planned on connecting with?

3. What is one step you can take to realistically integrate hospitality like this into the rhythm of your life? How can our community help with this?



This past Sunday we hosted a workshop about neighboring as a church:

1. What excites you about being a part of a church that wants to be an outpost of the Kingdom as opposed to a castle?

2. What kinds of things did your table talk about at the workshop?

3. What does it look like to take one step towards better neighboring personally?

4. What does it look like to take one step towards better neighboring as a church?

Note: Our goal isn’t to start new things as a church. Rather, it is to consider how we can utilize the spaces that exist to take a single step toward following Jesus in the way he demonstrated hospitality and good neighboring. We want to be increasingly doing the things Jesus did.