Revelation likely informs and motivates more of our faith than we realize. It is in Revelation that we see Christ coming again, His final victory over Satan, and perhaps our clearest picture of eternity. How we think about those things impacts how we interact with just about everything in the present world; From how we think and vote politically to how we deal with death.
This letter informs so much, yet many Christians would admit that they have a hard time understanding it. Afterall, Revelation is filled with so many images and symbols, which are deeply rooted in the Old Testament, yet have been interpreted numerous ways by modern readers.
In Revelation 1:8, Jesus says “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ … ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.’” This points to what we hope to find together as we study this prophetic vision that Jesus unfolds; A Heavenly glimpse into what is and was and is to come so that we can live from a higher worldview than we could have on our own.
Our desire is to become increasingly aware of who our reigning King is and what He is doing, so that we are better equipped to live faithfully and joyfully in the place we are at in Christ’s grand story of redemption.
Recommended Resources –
The Bible Project Guides – Book of Revelation
Revelation For Everyone Bible Study Guides – N.T. Wright. These will be available in our resource center. Donations of $9 per book are appreciated.