Join us in-person or via livestream Sundays at 10:45am. LiveStream

Arrows Parents Coffee & Donuts

We want to invite you to join the Arrows teachers and classroom assistants Sunday, April 24th at 9:00am for coffee, donuts, and a preview of what we will be doing in the Arrows classroom for the summer!

Baby Dedications

Baby Dedications will be on August 14th.   If you have a child you would like to have dedicated sign up here!

Baby Dedications

Redemption Church 930 Broad Street, Augusta , GA, United States

Baby Dedications will be on August 13th.   If you have a child you would like to have dedicated sign up here!

Tell The Story – Children’s Rehearsal

Redemption Church 930 Broad Street, Augusta , GA, United States

We’re so excited for the rehearsal this coming Sunday, December 17th for our "Tell the Story" Christmas Eve service. Plan to drop your Sprouts and/or Arrows kids off immediately after the service this Sunday in the lobby area. Kelly will have a clipboard for you to sign your child/children in. We are also asking that

Baby Dedications

Redemption Church 930 Broad Street, Augusta , GA, United States

Baby Dedications will be on July 14th.   If you have a child you would like to have dedicated sign up here!

Family Missions Night

Redemption Church 930 Broad Street, Augusta , GA, United States

Dinner will be provided. We are inviting families to come and help pack book bags with school supplies to donate to our local schools and will spend time praying for our kids, their teachers, and schools. We will be collecting school supplies June 23rd-July 21st.