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Home Worship Guide for Sunday March 15, 2020

We have put together this Home Worship Guide to lead us into prayer and worship as a church in lieu of a physical gathering this week. Whether you are by yourself, with your family, or with a friend, please take time to worship God together in this way.

The church is not a building, it’s a people. That is a good reminder at a time like this. While we are scattered this week instead of gathered for worship, we are still one in our worship and God is glorified in it. 

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Prayer of surrender

We know this time might feel awkward, and it may be tempting to skip over the whole thing. Simply pray now, and humbly offer yourself to God. Ask Him to use the next few minutes for His glory

Read Phillipians 4:4-9

This is an opportunity to commune with God. As you read, be mindful of how God is speaking to you through His Word. You don’t have to do a thorough study of the Scripture during this moment, instead spend time reflecting on the portions of the passage that clearly impact you and your life.

  • Ask these simple questions after reading:
  • What part of the passage immediately stands out to you?
  • What do you think it says of who God is and what He does?
  • What does it say about who you are and how you should live?

Time of prayer

  • Adore. Spend a few moments lifting adoration to God in prayer. Praise Him for who He is and what He does.
  • Confess. Acknowledge your sin and confess it.
  • Thanksgiving. Thank Jesus for His salvation from your sin.
  • Supplication. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you live from your identity in Christ.

Also, join with each other in lifting these request to God also:

  • Wisdom for leaders all over the world
  • Guidance and endurance for medical professionals
  • Healing and mercy for the sick
  • Peace for the fearful
  • Salvation for many


How has God impacted you the most through today’s prayer and scripture?

We encourage you to share about your experience with one another via social media, phone call, group text or some other method. The goal is just to connect with one another in some way.