John 11
Sermon notes👇
This isn’t just the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead…
This is Jesus determining to die in order to give Lazarus life.
This is Jesus laying His own life down for His friend.
Jesus has said He is the good Shepherd who lays His life down for His sheep and has the power to take His life up again.
With this miracle – the miracle of raising the dead – Jesus has set in motion His own act of doing just that, as we see in vs.57; “So from that day on they made plans to put him to death.”
And here is why Jesus wanted His disciples to get this, and why we have to get this…
Only when we fully believe that He is our life – that death has no hold on us, that we walk through it in the name of Jesus – can we really put ourselves aside, knowing that He is all we need for today, and for everyday, and for eternity.
And only when we find life in Jesus like that, can we follow Jesus into laying our life down for others.
Which is the way of Jesus and His Kingdom.
It is how He ushers in His Kingdom, and it is how the news of who He really is and what He is really like spreads…
By His people doing what He does…
Finding that life truly lived, lives free from death and can be given away freely and generously.