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John 13:1-35
January 28, 2024

John 13:1-35

Passage: John 13:1-35
Service Type:

Sermon notes 👇

Jesus loves His disciples to the uttermost and to the end. Here, Jesus demonstrated His love by washing the disciples feet, so that His disciples could love like He does.

He even lavished this love on Judas, who He knew would betray Him.

And this is what glorifies God, this is what makes Him known, this is what His Kingdom come looks like….

Loving your friends. Loving your enemies. To the end. To the utmost with His love, because He has lavished it on you and shown you the way, and has shown us that in this very way is true life.

Before there is any call to go do what Jesus does there is the call for us to see this – He loves us to the end, to the uttermost, with the most deep and abiding and generous love.

We can receive it like John, who calls himself “beloved.”

Or we can receive it like Judas.