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Lent 2021

Lent begins this Wednesday, February 17th. Traditionally, Lent is a 40 day period of fasting, prayer and devotion towards remembering our brokenness and God’s work of redemption through the person and work of Jesus Christ. This season leads up to Good Friday, when we remember the crucifixion of Jesus, and all that He accomplished through His work on the cross; knowing that an empty tomb lies just beyond it. 

At Redemption Church, we don’t insist on a particular way to observe Lent. However, we do want to invite you to turn to Jesus with intentionality in this season. 

Set aside some time for prayer and reading from Scripture each day. There are a great number of resources out there to help guide you through the season. You’ll find a few recommendations below. 

Perhaps fasting from something is appropriate, but it isn’t required. John Piper writes that “As Jesus teaches it, fasting is an intensely Godward act. Do it toward God, who sees when others don’t.” If you fast, do it to help set your gaze on Jesus and to honor Him above all else. 

Recommended Resources:

Lenten Journaling Prompts – Caleb Humphrey

Caleb Humphrey is a member of Redemption Church, and he has put together a few prompts that you can use to help you keep a journal throughout the Lenten season. 

God is on the Cross: Reflections on Lent and Easter​ – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

“​These forty stirring devotions​ will guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Lent and Easter, encountering themes of prayerful reflection, self-denial, temptation, suffering, and the meaning of the cross. Passages from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s letters and sermons provide special encouragement as readers prepare themselves spiritually for Holy Week and Easter Sunday. Supplemented by an informative introduction to Bonhoeffer’s life and a Scripture passage for each day of the season, these daily devotions are moving reminders of the true gift of Christ on the cross.”

 Lenten Devotionals – Redeemer Presbyterian Church

“In 2011 Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York published ​40 Lenten Devotions​ written by a variety of authors including Kathy Keller. Due to popular demand over successive years, RPC has continued to make the devotions available to help their people ‘prepare their hearts for Easter.”

This devotional material is available through the ​You Version Bible app.

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Lent Guide – Sally Lloyd-Jones

This guide includes:

    • A Letter to Friends (big and little) from Sally
    • A paper chain reading plan template, counting the 40 days of Lent
    • A reading plan calendar, with a corresponding chapter from The Jesus Storybook Bible to read each day
    • Coloring pages from the Jesus Storybook Bible Coloring Book, illustrated by Jago