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Spring 2024 Missional Community Calendar

Emphasis: Being With Jesus: A Journey Through Lent

Week of:page1image2052603872

1/7-1/14:  Off

1/14-1/20:  Off

1/21-1/27:  Off

1/28-2/3:  Family Gathering (1/28)

2/4-2/10:  Calendar Planning/What is Lent?

2/11-2/17:  Week 1 – Super Bowl Sunday (2/11), Ash Wednesday (2/14), Valentines Day (2/14)

2/18-2/24:  Week 2

2/25-3/2:  Week 3

3/3-3/9:  Week 4

3/10-3/16: Week 5

3/17-3/23: Week 6

3/24-3/30:  Holy Week – Palm Sunday (3/24)

3/31-4/6:  Easter Sunday (3/31)


Lent, the season where the Church traditionally prepares for Easter, has been celebrated by Christians around the world for centuries. Many people, if they celebrate Lent at all, use it primarily as a time to give up some less-than-healthy habit. But the season includes so much more! This season we will be participating in practices, prayers, and services all designed to encourage reflection and repentance. We want to invite you to join your journey through Lent with us.

MC List

Olde Town MC – Meets Tuesdays at 6pm
Vineland MC – Meets Wednesdays at 6pm
Central MC – Meets Sundays at 5:30pm
North Augusta MC – Meets Tuesdays at 5:30pm
Evans MC – Meets Wednesdays at 6pm

*PDF includes MC Location & Contact Info