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Advent Resources

It’s that time again. Thanksgiving Day is this week, and Santa will be marching in parades across the country letting us all know that the Christmas season has officially begun. Are you ready? Have you planned how you’ll spend this advent season?

We want to help you engage this season intentionally, before it slips away. The truth is that for many of us things are about to get pretty crazy. Parties, travel plans, dinners to prepare, lists to manage, gifts to buy (for a lot of people), recitals and more are about to book the next month of our lives. And it will happen fast. We all likely desire to make plans for how we will really spend this Christmas focusing on Jesus, but it’s easy for Thanksgiving to turn into Christmas. Before we know it Christmas will be long gone, and we will be well into 2017.

So how about spending a few minutes making a plan to intentionally slow down and savor the goodness of Jesus? Below are a few resources that you may find helpful.

Advent Conspiracy

Check out the Advent Conspiracy website to read through the four tenants; worship fully, spend less, give more, love all. Browse through the site for family devotional and advent calendar resources, along with other ideas on how to engage this season with intentionality.

Desiring God

Desiring God has several great daily Advent devotionals that aim to put Jesus at the center of your holiday season.

Come Lord Jesus Come: A Devotional for Advent
By Nathan Sherman & Will Walker

This is a free resource that contains devotions built around four themes, one for each week of advent; hope, peace, joy, and love.

The Jesus Storybook Bible: Every Story Whispers His Name
By Sally Lloyd-Jones

This Advent reading plan picks selections from The Jesus Storybook Bible to read with the family daily throughout the season.